What is the volume of your budgie?

November 29, 2010 § Leave a comment

Sometimes there are people in life who are destined to be teachers – they just have that ability to engage with students and really help them to absorb information! And it’s amazing how many weird and wonderful methods they use!

My boss has been in the teaching profession for over 40 years. His teaching style is mad to say the least! And it doesn’t work for every child. However, for the majority of children, a wacky approach has led to some excellent results from the children he teaches. So here are a few of his methods that maybe you can modify!!

– get the children to take their mum’s heart rate, then mum has to do an embarrassing two laps of the crowded office and have their heart rate taken again. This makes for a good graph!

– make sure they look up every bizarre animal they come up against on google images . . . Remember that boys like the gruesome pictures! This is a vocabulary building exercise!

– ask each student to find out the volume of their pet no matter how oddly they look at you when you ask the volume of their budgie!

– most important of all, jump up and down and shout “hooray” when they grasp a concept!

Okay, so maybe this approach isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, but the principles are the same: engaging the student’s interest is the key. And maybe sometimes they need a little bit of oddity to help them remember a concept!

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